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Body Mind Spirit Transformation

3 months of sessions- clinical and alternative modalities

  • 1 h 30 min
  • 2,500 US dollars
  • Location 1

Service Description

This package encompasses several modalities of healing. The clinical profession is the most respected approach we have that is acknowledged by insurance and reimburses for evidence based research. Often I get people who have been doing therapy that is uses "evidence based research" for decades. While we talk about our trauma in the conscious mind, there are many factors at play in our life. 1) Our subconscious mind is driving our bus. At a young age we form our interpretation and beliefs about the world. Often times we try to think our way out of those for... like... ever. One of the most powerful modalities that I have found to shift that inner personal dialogue is hypnotherapy. It's a peaceful way to relax your thoughts and have a dialogue with the subconscious to create the positive change you've been looking for. No chicken clucking, I promise. Sound healing is a beautiful tool using frequency therapy on the body to reduce stress and improve the immune system. This is supported by scientific research and proven to reduce tension, anger, fatigue and depression. Astrology is a modality stereotyped in with the occult. Lovely. Astrology originated with the Babalonians in c. 1800 BCE. (This was long before insurance required you to be diagnosed with a mental illness for them to pay for services. Fun fact.) Astrology is a deep look at where all the planets were in the sky at the time you were born. This is a deep look at your psychology on why you like what you like and do what you do. I look at it as your soul's contract in this life and who you're supposed to become. This package offers 3 months/12 sesssions including clincal therapy, hypnotherapy, sound/energy healing and a pschological interpretation of your astrological chart. 6 Clinical therapy sessions (7 hours)- $800 3 Hypnotherapy sessions (6 hours)- $900 2 Sound Healing sessions (2 hours) - $150 1 Astrological Interpretation (1 hour)- $200 Body Mind Soul Astrological reading (printout)- $150 Access to Hypnosis audio library- $500 value 1 Personalized hypnosis audio with sound healing- $300 Package Value $3150

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule please contact me within 48 hours. Sessions are non refundable for missed appts.

Contact Details

  • Punta Gorda, FL, USA

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